02/06/2022 / By Ethan Huff
A meta-analysis put together by economists has revealed that all of the draconian Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions put into place in spring 2020 – including stay-at-home orders, compulsory masks and social distancing – did pretty much nothing to reduce mortality.
At best, deaths dropped by around 0.2 percent due to all the tyranny, though this figure is so small and inconsequential that it amounts to a mortality reduction of zero percent, statistically speaking.
On the flip side, lockdowns, face muzzles and anti-social restrictions greatly harmed people, both economically and socially. All of these measures, the economists found, were “ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument” in the future.
Led by a professor at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), the research also looked at border closures, which reduced mortality by just 0.1 percent, or basically zero once again.
In order to answer their research question, the economists looked at 18,590 global studies into lockdowns. From this, they whittled it down to just 24 studies that helped provide the clarity they were looking to find.
One of the studies they looked at found that deaths from covid either stayed roughly the same or even went up after lockdowns and other restrictions were imposed.
This was found to be especially true in countries like the United Kingdom and the United States where covid deaths actually increased once the fascism started rolling down the pike.
Because the restrictions themselves come with adverse effects such as depression from isolation and lack of oxygen intake from wearing a mask, leaving things well alone would have worked better than trying to control everyone’s behavior with a heavy boot of tyranny.
Many people even died from the government’s covid restrictions as their existing health conditions worsened, or in some cases as new health conditions arose due to the unnatural “new normal” that was forcibly imposed.
Another “side effect” of all the restrictions was the economic wreckage caused by forced business closures. Many small- and medium-sized businesses failed while the large big-box stores and online stores thrived and even saw record profits.
This massive transfer of wealth destroyed many ordinary people’s livelihoods, driving them to suicide. Nobody pushing continued covid tyranny is taking any of this into account.
“Lockdowns pushed consumer spending to its lowest levels, while border closures and staff shortages choked supply runs,” reported the DailyMail Online. Meanwhile, furlough schemes and the procurement of PPE and vaccines saw unprecedented public spending.”
With the sudden emergence of the Omicron (Moronic) variant, economists have downgraded the forecasts for the first quarter of 2022 as well, especially amid record inflation.
In the U.K., inflation soared to a 30-year high, hitting 5.4 percent, the highest figure recorded since 1992. Keep in mind that the official inflation numbers are being underestimated, meaning the true numbers are higher.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is blaming all of this economic turmoil on the “pandemic,” however there is more to the story in terms of Wall Street and other financial power brokers using covid as a cover for their financial crimes because they are massively overleveraged.
In addition to reduced economic activity and a massive social toll, covid restrictions also sent government borrowing rates to meteoric levels. Debt in the U.K. alone soared an additional £299billion in the first year of the plandemic.
“Ministers also wasted £8.7billion of taxpayers’ money on unusable personal protective equipment (PPE) which was not up to standard,” the DailyMail Online further added. “A total of £12.1billion was spent on PPE in the first year of the pandemic alone.”
More related news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at Fascism.news.
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Tagged Under:
fascism, health freedom, lockdown, lockdowns, medical fascism, Medical Tyranny, mortality, Plandemic, school closures, study
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