fake news
By Ethan Huff
It’s true: Government kidnaps children and separates them from their mothers… learn the truth about “medical kidnapping” and forced vaccinations, chemotherapy
Democrats, the mainstream media, and other Trump haters are right now going berserk over reports about illegal alien children allegedly being separated from their illegal alien parents at the Mexican border, claiming that it represents a horrible and unprecedented injustice that blatantly violates basic human rights. But these same virtue-signalers are nowhere to be found […]
By Ethan Huff
Leftists claim to care about children, but they say nothing when American children are routinely KIDNAPPED by rogue government CPS agents
Like a bungling magician doing cheap parlor tricks, the corrupt mainstream media is desperately trying to keep all eyes off of the new Inspector General’s (IG) report, including its publishing of fake news reports about illegal alien children being separated from their parents at the Mexican border. But what this latest bout of manufactured outrage […]
By Jayson Veley
California state senators Richard Pan and Josh Newman fake a “racism hoax” to demolish health freedom bill
A scientifically supported, commonsense civil rights bill that would have allowed individuals and families to self-quarantine in their homes in the event of a pandemic without being forced to be treated with vaccines or antibiotics was struck down by two California Democratic senators on the basis that the legislation had racist undertones, VacTruth.com reports. The […]
By Mike Adams
California state senator who pushed vaccine mandate now seeks to CRIMINALIZE “fake news” about medicine, politics and government
In the latest stunning assault on the freedom to think, California state senator Richard Pan — known as the “Mercury Joker” super villain for pushing mandatory vaccines into law via SB 277 — now wants to criminalize all bloggers and independent journalists who dare question the official narratives on vaccines, medicine, politics and government. The […]
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