Late last month, a formal Administrative Procedures Act Petition was filed with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the …
In the USA, more and more states are legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana. In fact, according to the website …
Psychiatry is an ancient phenomenon with an invasive and brutal history. In the past, the mentally ill were strapped to …
There are a number of things that could get you a visit from child protective services. Forgetting to feed your …
In case you haven’t noticed — and, unfortunately, far too many Americans haven’t — the Democrats have an honesty problem. …
Just, wow. If congressional — and especially Senate — Republicans ever thought that Americans criticized them unfairly for their inability …
After California’s tough new immunization law, eliminating religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccines, unvaccinated kids can no longer go to …
After the disaster Democrats created in passing Obamacare, the last thing tens of millions of Americans want to hear is …
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a former top GOP presidential contender, may have just found a way to not only get …
The Obamacare disaster continues to unravel, trapping millions of Americans in unusable, unaffordable health insurance nightmares, while Congress continues to …
If you needed more proof that Democrats lack the hypocrisy gene, here goes: A former Obama administration health care official …
It would seem that Sweden’s Parliament truly cares about doing what is best for its people. Rather than bowing to …
It’s become obvious that the big donors and their lobbyists on K Street – the biggest and most disgusting part …
Is Monsanto, the corporate scourge of the Earth, finally going to pay for its crimes? If the International Monsanto Tribunal …