News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 11 PRIORITIES for America in order to save the Republic
When the word infrastructure comes up, one is likely to think of roads, bridges, and schools being repaired or built up to further the functionality of the nation, but there’s another type of infrastructure that’s completely falling to pieces, and it has to do with ethics, morals, common sense, honesty, and election integrity in this […]
By S.D. Wells
The 10 WORST aftereffects of the PLANDEMIC
Though the pandemic, also known as the plandemic, is over, the Democrats so desperately want it to continue, and for several major reasons. Election fraud was quite simple, and the mail-in ballots made in China gave Beijing Biden a 50 million vote head start in 2020. Democrats love wearing communist masks also because they show […]
By S.D. Wells
Mainstream media’s failure to report vaccine-induced damage due to “vaccine hesitancy” is like NOT reporting a nuclear attack for fear of “nuclear energy hesitancy”
Folks in the mainstream media (MSM) refuse to report serious injuries and deaths directly caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) clot shot injections, and their excuse is always the same, in that they don’t want to cause any panic or what they term “vaccine hesitancy.” Yet, did you know that vaccines have killed FAR MORE Americans […]
By S.D. Wells
The Anti-Science of Pro-Vaccination
“Follow the science,” the allopathic herd always regurgitates when natural health advocates buck the “system” of Western medicine, yet, all of the science as of late shows the Covid jabs are not effective, not safe, and are in fact dangerous. So why is everyone who is “pro-science” not “anti-vax” now? Follow the clinical trial data for […]
By S.D. Wells
From LAB to LUNGS: The real COVID timeline in a nutshell
Dirty “vaccines” have never been dirtier than the ones created for Covid-19. SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory and released to start a pandemic, and this is no conspiracy theory (anymore), and actually never was one. Take a look at the history of this plandemic, and you will see the forest for the trees. From […]
By S.D. Wells
Several US doctors ARRESTED for saving children from the Vaccine Holocaust by giving them saline injections instead of deadly spike protein jabs
Oskar Schindler was a German industrialist who saved over 1,000 Polish Jews from Hitler’s Holocaust by giving them factory jobs deemed “essential” to the German war effort of WWII. This prevented the evil Nazi SS forces from taking these Jews to concentration camps, where they would surely die from torture, starvation, gas chambers, or two […]
By S.D. Wells
GASLIGHTING: Same FDA that threatened doctors with prosecution over Ivermectin use now claims they never opposed it
Everyone remembers when the Wuhan virus broke bad in America and the FDA, plus every mass media news source, claimed ivermectin was only “horse medicine” for parasites, and was dangerous to use on humans to treat Covid-19. The narrative coming from Big Pharma, the CDC (Centers for Disease Continuation), and the FDA (Fraudulent Drug Administration) was […]
By S.D. Wells
“Trust the Science?” … or follow the MONEY and find out the science was faked? Pharma drives “science” outcomes to fit their desired endpoints – patented drug sales
We are all fiercely coerced to “trust the science” and “follow the science” in this country or be labeled an anti-science blasphemer, who is responsible for destroying lives, the environment, and ruining the entire advancement of civilization. Yet, the root of all science lives in questioning the science, rigorously always testing the science, re-examining it, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 ways the USA is already under TYRANNICAL RULE like Communist China
Most Americans would call it a conspiracy theory if you told them that most of their “freedoms” and constitutional rights barely exist anymore, just because those freedoms have yet to be removed from them personally, or so they think. Was your vote really counted in the most recent elections? Is your home or land yours […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 ways the so-called “experts” of the scamdemic used misdirection to DEFLECT from the FAILURE of the mandates
The US government and the CDC intended, by hook or by crook, to perpetuate the useless and harmful pandemic mandates as long as they could, but now, every single one of them has been backpedaled, retracted, and debunked, even scientifically. By any possible means the medical industrial complex perpetuated fake science to keep the sheeple in the […]
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