News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
FDA places informed consent on a slippery slope
After taking reputational blows during the COVID pandemic, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is attempting to rebrand themselves as an agency not heavily swayed by political influence. To do so the FDA has increased the transparency of its prescription drug and medical device approval process. However, their rebranding has taken a dangerous first step […]
By S.D. Wells
Most people DO NOT REALIZE that Google is a corporation that’s controlling, censoring and warping vital information
Most people think Google is some kind of public library of information available at one’s fingertips, providing straight facts about anything under the sun, but nothing could be further from the truth, especially when it comes to health, safety, and human rights topics. No doubt, with over 85 percent of the search market share and […]
By S.D. Wells
Doctors can no longer question anything the vaccine industry calls “science” or they get targeted for de-licensing by Dr. Richard “Misinformation” Baron
It has been revealed that a medical board chief who wants to de-license doctors that oppose the Biden regime’s radical COVID agenda happens to be represented by the same PR firm as Pfizer, Moderna and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). President and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Dr. […]
By S.D. Wells
VAXXED SWINE: How many Americans have been eating toxic spike protein particles for the past 5 years every time they consume pork and bacon? (op-ed)
If it’s true that you “are what you eat,” then millions of Americans are walking, talking, ticking health time bombs full of toxic virus-mimicking prions that were injected into the pigs they’ve been eating since 2018. Without telling consumers across America, certain state governments and Big “Farma” have been injecting pigs with mRNA “technology” for […]
By S.D. Wells
Adolescents suffer HEART SCARS from Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, per cardiac MRI study
A long-term study performed by doctors, researchers, and scientists at the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, and published in the medical journal Circulation, has revealed a shocking statistic that 66 percent of young male adults and adolescents suffer heart damage, dysfunction, and/or scarring from mRNA vaccines. That’s right, out of 40 patients studied, 26 had heart […]
By S.D. Wells
Arkansas Attorney General’s Office pays out $1.1 MILLION settlement for alleged “false imprisonment” of 246 patients by psychiatrist Dr. Brian Hyatt
An Arkansas psychiatrist was apparently running a Medicaid scheme to hold people as long as possible, against their will, for weeks on end, while they received no medical care at all. Relatives of patients had to show up with lawyers, court orders, and sheriff’s deputies to force Dr. Hyatt to release them. Northwest Medical Center […]
By S.D. Wells
BIG PAYOUT: Dr. Deborah Birx enjoying CDC’s revolving door of PHARMA SHILLS as former CDC global health director now Armata Pharmaceuticals CEO
Deborah Leah Birx is an American pharma shill who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator from 2020 to 2021, and has specialized in AIDS treatments dating back to 2014 under Obama. Before that, she was the Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention‘s (CDC) division for “Global Health.” Now, as part […]
By S.D. Wells
MSM SCRAMBLING to explain away heart attack death of 28-year-old Dominican basketball player who “contracted” myocarditis after 2 forced Pfizer Covid vaccines
Previously perfectly healthy international professional athlete, Óscar Cabrera Adames, took to social media last month, cursing because he was forced to take two doses of Pfizer’s deadly Covid vaccine, saying they were compulsory for him to keep his job. What was once a rare disease, myocarditis, is now quite common among the Covid-jabbed “sheeple” of […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 COVID SCANDALS of nightmarish proportion
Anyone who so much brings up the topic of depopulation immediately sounds like a conspiracy theorist, but it takes no more than a glance at history to see that governments around the world, especially ones with tyrannical leaders, engage in mass genocide in order to gain power and remain in power for long periods of […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 MOST DANGEROUS laws and mandates that strip Americans of their rights and endanger their lives
Americans tend to get emotional about national “events” and lose focus of what matters most in their lives, including their health and safety. Fake news is seasoned at introducing real or staged events that conjure up emotions of the populace that end up brainwashing them into accepting and complying with laws and mandates that strip […]
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