07/30/2021 / By JD Heyes
In the United States, health officials, governors, and even the president have tried everything from begging more Americans to get a COVID-19 vaccine to rewarding them with cash and prizes, and still tens of millions are refusing to do so.
Are they ‘anti-vaxxers?’ No, most aren’t. The fact is, the vast majority of those folks are kind, honest, hard-working people who have taken a look at their overall situation — personal health, personal risks, and available information — and have decided that they don’t really need to get the jab. Others have blamed a lack of candor and honesty on the part of the federal government’s health ‘experts’ and agencies.
Still, those people are being hounded relentlessly, and now the powers that be are employing a new tactic: Fear.
There is a new ‘dangerous’ variant called Delta that appears to be spreading just as fast if not faster than the original COVID strain, and while the death rates aren’t near what they were the first time around, we’re being told that the hospitalization rates are far higher and growing.
But is that true? Not if we’re to believe what’s going on in Great Britain, which, again, if true will only compound the trust issue between citizens and the officials appointed or elected to serve them, both in the UK and in the U.S.
Great Game India reports:
According to leaked NHS data more than half of those hospitalized with Covid-19 in the UK only tested positive after admission to the hospital.
Over half of those hospitalized with Covid-19 in the UK only tested positive after admission – suggesting that “vast numbers are being classed as hospitalised by Covid when they were admitted with other ailments, with the virus picked up by routine testing,” according to The Telegraph, citing leaked government figures.
In other words, stats being published by the National Health Service in the UK are daily overstating ‘COVID-19’ hospitalizations so they can push the narrative that Delta is worse and more lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccines, and control are needed.
“The leaked data, covering all NHS trusts in England – show that, as of last Thursday, just 44 per cent of patients classed as being hospitalised with COVID had tested positive by the time they were admitted,” The Telegraph adds. “The majority of cases were not detected until patients underwent standard COVID tests, carried out on everyone admitted to hospital for any reason.”
Mind you, just a few days ago, the British government declared that enough of Her Majesty’s subjects were vaccinated that the government could lift all restrictions. Now, suddenly, ‘COVID is spiking’ and the threat of new restrictions looms.
All because numbers are being fudged, apparently.
“Overall, 56 per cent of Covid hospitalisations fell into this category, the data, seen by The Telegraph, show,” the paper continued. “Crucially, this group does not distinguish between those admitted because of severe illness, later found to be caused by the virus, and those in hospital for different reasons who might otherwise never have known that they had picked it up.”
It’s no wonder there is growing distrust among Westerners about the real effects of this virus; we can’t even get our governments to admit that it was manufactured as a bioweapon by China because Western nations are in too deep with Beijing and it’s cheap manufacturing capacity.
Citing the data, Great Game India reported that of 780 hospitalizations in recent days, 44 percent of patients tested positive within 14 days of being admitted; 43 percent tested positive within two days of being admitted, while 13 percent tested positive “in the days and weeks that followed” — “including those likely to have caught the virus in the hospital.”
So, in addition to fudging the infection rates, it also appears pretty obvious that getting the jab means little to nothing in terms of ‘being protected’ from the virus.
Why, again, are we being forced to take it?
Sources include:
Tagged Under: COVID, COVID hospitalizations, covid-19, data, deception, hospitalizations, infection rate, infections, lies, NHS, outbreak, pandemic, propaganda, UK