This Black Friday, the Health Ranger needs your support as we go to bat for your health freedom, food freedom and freedom to THINK

Black Friday is once again upon us, that “retail bonanza” during which retailers everywhere are competing for your purchase dollars. This year, more than ever, it’s crucial to direct your purchase dollars to the independent organizations you support.

Why? Because website ad revenues are plummeting across the entire publishing industry. This, coupled with the punitive demonetization push by YouTube, Google and other internet gatekeepers, means independent media is increasingly relying on product sales to fund its operations.

So to make it easy to support our mission, we’ve put together our best Black Friday deals yet — see the preview here — all beginning at 12:01 am Friday morning.

You’ll notice, by the way, that we don’t host “money bombs” or donation fundraisers. Thanks to your generous support, we’ve been able to keep funding all our operations based on product and ad sales. Today, more than ever, we need your support so that we can expand our lab testing, documentary film production and more (see a partial list of our 2018 projects below).

A new wave of amazing deals every 12 hours

Every 12 hours during our Black Friday deals, we have a new wave of amazing deals that go active, allowing you to save big on nutrition, superfoods, green home, prepping and survival gear (including water filters, air filters, radiation detectors and more). These are the best deals of the year, but they’re limited to the actual inventory we have on hand, so many items will sell out quickly.

While we’re extending these amazing deals to thank you for your support, this year we’re asking you to spend less money with powerful globalist corporations (like Amazon) and redirect MORE money to independent retailers like us. After all, the organizations you support with your dollars are the ones that grow stronger. If you want our world to be dominated by globalist corporate entities like Amazon, just keep feeding them more money. Soon, they’ll control everything (and Amazon is about to enter the pharmaceutical retailing industry, meaning it will soon be America’s drug dealer, too).

But if you want to support independent journalism, eye-opening studio interviews, food freedom, health freedom and independent science, support the independent media with the bulk of your purchases this year. Now, you’re voting with your dollars to fund operations that are fighting against the pharmaceutical drug cartels, the criminalization of medical marijuana and the insanity of government oppression of home gardening and food freedom.

See a PREVIEW of all our Black Friday deals here. The real action begins at 12:01 am, central time, this Friday. All orders ship free to the 48 states.

P.S. We are opening the doors 12 hours earlier for users of Good Gopher Mail, a free, 100% uncensored email inbox service that we’ll be heavily using throughout 2018 to announce food lab testing results. You can sign up for free here.

Some of the projects we’re pursuing for 2018 and beyond

Why support Natural News through the Health Ranger Store? Here’s a small taste of the projects your purchases help support:

  • We’re almost finished with the feature film “Biosludged,” which documents that widespread practice of cities dumping human sewage sludge on forests and farms all across America. This film will be released for free in 2018 (a bit later than planned, but we did more interviews than planned).
  • Beginning in January, we are rolling out lab testing scorecards for off-the-shelf foods and dietary supplements. This scorecard system tells you the results of our testing for pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and more. (Results are announced exclusively to Good Gopher Mail inboxes.) We’ve spent over two million dollars on our laboratory facility at this point, with no outside funding whatsoever, and we hope to test and share the results of thousands of products throughout 2018.
  • Our editorial staff continues to expand, and in January of 2018, we are launching a new series of news reference websites covering science and medicine. These sites will offer comprehensive coverage of all the published findings that impact your health and life.
  • We’ve almost completed a major expansion of our organic food manufacturing, packing and shipping facility in Texas. This project, already under way for nearly a year, will allow us to bring prices down by purchasing larger quantities of raw materials. Ultimately, this means greater efficiency for us,  lower costs to you and more inventory on hand to meet peak demand.
  • We’re rolling out a large number of new products in 2018, including many highly innovative nutritional supplements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine formulations. These supplements all take a significant amount of time and money for research and lab testing, yet they bring you nutrient-based solutions that you simply won’t find anywhere else.
  • Our science lab is continuing to work on method development for quantitation of glyphosate, dicamba and other chemicals of concern. As we nail down the methods for these chemicals, we add them to our scorecard testing of off-the-shelf products. The more chemicals we can detect, the more comprehensive our testing becomes for all products that we’re analyzing.
  • We continue our editorial fight for food freedom, health freedom, thought freedom and liberty across the board. Every day, we fight for your liberties, going to battle against corrupt, mega-wealthy, evil corporations like Monsanto and Merck. We wage this war at great risk to our lives and safety, being routinely subjected to death threats, smear campaigns, cyber attacks, censorship and blacklisting efforts.

If you believe in health freedom, food freedom and the right to grow medicine, save seeds and think freely, no one is a better champion for these core values than Natural News and the Health Ranger Store. No one goes to bat like we do, aggressively fighting for the things that truly matter for the future of our civilization and planet, bringing together independent journalism, independent science, nutritional innovation and a longstanding commitment to We the People.

To continue our mission, we need your support more than ever. Help us expand our operations and we’ll keep fighting for your freedoms. We know you have a choice of where you spend your discretionary dollars. We’ll do our best to keep bringing you innovative, lab-verified products for health, preparedness, green living and more.

Preview our upcoming Black Friday Deals here. The action begins at 12:01 am, central time, this Friday. All orders ship FREE across the 48 states.

P.S. Remember, you can get access to these deals 12 hours earlier than everyone else by getting a free inbox at Good Gopher Mail.

