Sweden outlaws coercive mandatory vaccines laws, citing violations of the Swedish Constitution

It would seem that Sweden’s Parliament truly cares about doing what is best for its people. Rather than bowing to pressure by pharmaceutical companies or the scare-tactics of the mainstream media, the Swedish government recently adopted a decision to refuse to enforce the compulsory or mandatory vaccination of its citizens. Such a mandate, they noted, would violate the country’s Constitution.

Other factors also influenced the decision. For one thing, many people had called politicians or the Parliament directly to express their outrage at the concept of forced vaccinations. The text of one of the motions related to the decision noted that Parliamentary politicians had observed “massive resistance to all forms of coercion with regard to vaccination.”

The politicians also cited data from NHF Sweden which revealed frequent and “serious adverse reactions” to the MMR vaccine, and noted that such reactions are warned about in the vaccine package inserts. The politicians noted that since children would be expected to receive two doses of this vaccination, these considerable risks would be doubled. They also stressed that such risks were not limited to the MMR vaccine, but that other vaccines caused “similar adverse reactions.”

The Parliamentarians also referenced the additives found in these vaccines, which in their words, “are not health food and certainly [do] not belong in babies or children.”

And how right they are! Natural News previously reported on some of these unhealthy and downright disgusting ingredients:

  • Bovine cow serum
  • Sorbitol
  • Gelatin
  • Sodium chloride
  • Thimerosal
  • Human albumin
  • Other nasty ingredients like formaldehyde (yep, that’s embalming fluid), aluminum phosphate and MSG – not to mention fibroblast cells from aborted human fetuses, and African Green Monkey kidney cells!

But we need vaccinations or we’ll all die of diseases like measles, right? All those unvaccinated people are putting the herd immunity of the community as a whole at risk, aren’t they?

Well, in researching this article I found two very interesting sources of information from the mainstream media, which when looked at collectively, provide some real insight into the way our thinking is being manipulated on this issue.

Let’s first consider an article by NBC News entitled 7 Vaccine Myths Debunked by Doctors. One of the “myths” they supposedly debunk is the idea that “more people die from the vaccine than from measles.” They claim that while measles kills 140,000 people around the world each year, only 57 claims of death from the measles vaccine have ever been filed with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Now, it’s interesting to note that this article looks at deaths worldwide, but only cites vaccine death rates for the United States, where the VICP was established in 1986.

Let’s move on to the second article talking about the evils of measles. This article by Very Well actually does give the number of people who died from measles in the U.S.A. The article only gives figures as far back as 2000, but angrily proclaims that there have been 11 measles deaths since that year.

So, the one article tells us that 57 measles vaccine death claims have been filed with VICP (presumably since 1986), while the other tells us that a grand total of 11 people died from the disease itself between 2000 and 2015. Even if we were to double that number to account for the years between 1986 and 2000 (taking it from 11 to 22), that would still mean that more than twice as many people died from the measles vaccine than from actual measles!

And yet Big Pharma and the self-righteous mainstream media continue to bully us into vaccinating our children for the “greater good!”

Fortunately, more and more people are becoming informed about the very real dangers of vaccination, and are weighing those dangers against the comparatively smaller risks associated with contracting diseases like measles.

And, hopefully other countries will follow Sweden’s example and refuse to force their citizens to vaccinate their children. Follow more news on health freedom at HealthFreedom.news.





